Breaking Barriers, Unleashing Brilliance: Fueling Dreams: Unstoppable STEAM !

Shaping Tomorrow Empowering Minds

What we do

Unstoppable STEAM is a pioneering initiative that offers a dynamic STEAM-focused summer and after-school program for kids aged 8-14. This transformative venture is the collaborative brainchild of INNOgenius LLC, Learn A.I O, and Boxwood Learning Center. Rooted in the firm belief in the limitless potential of every child, we strive to bridge educational disparities, primarily in the underserved town of Roselle. Our tailor-made programs offer a diverse blend of learning experiences aimed at igniting ideas, fostering talents, and empowering youth. We emphasize engaging, hands-on experiences to enhance academic growth, boost self-confidence, and provide a broader understanding of diverse STEAM career paths. Unstoppable STEAM is not just about offering education; it is about building futures by equipping Roselle's students with the skills they need to excel in life and STEAM careers.

Join us in our mission to turn the tide, one student at a time, creating a future where access to quality STEAM education is a norm, not a privilege. At Unstoppable STEAM, we believe that every student has the potential to become an unstoppable force of innovation and change.

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CodeCraft: The Web Design Experience

Crafting Your Digital Canvas with Code

Program Description: Welcome to CodeCraft, the ultimate camp for aspiring web designers and digital creators aged  8 – 14. This is your chance to bring your creative ideas to life as you design, code, and launch your very own website!

Concept to Creation: Kickstart your web design journey by conceiving a unique website concept. Learn to lay out your vision using cutting-edge design principles, then bring your vision to life using HTML, the building blocks of the web. As your skills grow, you’ll incorporate CSS, giving your site a polished and professional look that shines on any device.

Camp Date/Time: July 31st – August 118h / M-F / 8 AM – 12 PM
$250 per Week

Pages in the Park: Where Words Come Alive!

Ignite Your Imagination Through Summer Reading Adventures!"

Program Description: Welcome to Pages in the Park, a captivating summer reading program that embraces the wonders of words and the joy of storytelling. Join us once or twice a week amidst the beauty of nature as we embark on literary escapades, expanding our vocabulary, playing word games, engaging in lively book discussions, As we journey through various literary masterpieces. We’ll unravel the secrets behind crafting a compelling story and explore the elements that make books come alive and delve into the art of book creation.

Camp Date/Time: July 16th 2 PM – 4 PM and every Sunday after that. In-Person & TBD Virtual 2hrs Class Meets Twice a Week $Free

To help us continue offering our classes for free and reach even more learners, we rely on the generosity of kind-hearted individuals like you.

Your donation can make a difference. By contributing to our cause, you directly support the development and delivery of educational programs that empower and inspire individuals to unlock their full potential. Whether it’s a small amount or a more substantial gift, every donation helps us in our mission to make education accessible to all. This exact donation link isn’t Tax Deductable.

MoneyWhiz: The Young Financier's Camp

Empowering Tomorrow's Investors Today!
Program Description: Introducing MoneyWhiz, a dynamic camp experience designed to instill fundamental financial literacy skills in kids aged 8-14. In a world where financial decision-making plays an integral part in our lives, MoneyWhiz serves as an empowering launchpad for future finance-savvy adults.

Camp Date/Time: June 26th – August 4th / 12 AM – 4 PM (No Class July 4th) Class Meets Twice a Week.
$100 per Week
ROBOTICS & 3D Printing
(Spots Unavailable at This Time)

Coming Soon!

Music My World: Unleashing Your Musical Potential

Harmonize your passions, compose your dreams
Program Description: No studio experience required. Get hands-on experience with recording and editing software, and see how music magic is made. Throughout the four-week camp, for kids 10 – 14. You’ll dive deep into the captivating world of digital music production. With industry-standard recording and editing software at your fingertips, you’ll learn to bring your musical visions to life.

Camp Date/Time: June 26th – July 21th / 12 AM – 4 PM (No Class July 4th) Class Meets Twice a Week.

$100 per week
Entrepreneurial Launchpad: Your Tech Startup Journey

Ignite your ideas, Launch your tech venture!"

Program Description: Entrepreneurial Launchpad invites young tech enthusiasts aged 8-14 to step into the shoes of startup founders. In this exhilarating program, participants will explore the world of tech entrepreneurship, dissecting the journeys of successful startups like AirBnB, Uber, and WhatsApp, and brainstorming innovative solutions of their own.

From Idea to Impact:
Participants will plunge headfirst into the startup process. Beginning with ideation, they will venture through the stages.

Team Collaboration and Startup Creation:
Working in teams, participants will experience the thrill of transforming their ideas into a startup. They will practice effective communication and teamwork as they craft a business model, design a captivating pitch deck, and even create a marketing poster to promote their company.

Camp Date/Time: July 31st 31th – August 18th / 12 PM – 4 PM Class Meets Twice a Week
$100 per Week

TechPioneers: Bridging Generations Through Innovation
Empowering Seniors through Youth-Led Tech Ventures

Program Description: Welcome to TechPioneers, a unique program for seniors that brings generations together in the exciting world of tech startups. In this intergenerational journey, our young tech entrepreneurs from the Entrepreneurial Launchpad program become mentors to seniors, sharing their knowledge and insights about the startup landscape.

Program Time: June 26th – August 4th 6 PM – 8 PM (No Class July 4th) Class Meets Twice a Week


Your Sponsorship Opportunity: Backing The Youth, Ignite Their Potential

The youth are our future - doctors, engineers, coders, and more. Without the right tools and knowledge, our shared future is at risk. By sponsoring, you invest in the promise of our young people and secure a brighter future for us all.

Our Supporters
Thank you to our supporterss

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STEAM Learn A.I O(935 × 309 px)(1)


STEAM Learn A.I O(935 × 309 px)(1)


About Us

Unstoppable STEAM is an ambitious initiative brought to you by Innogenius LLC, Learn AIO, and BoxWood Learning Center, aiming to bring the transformative power of STEAM education and youth development programs to Roselle, an underserved town that richly deserves our attention and support.

Our suite of innovative programs caters to a wide array of interests and skill sets. From budding entrepreneurs to future tech leaders, aspiring financiers to creative web designers, and from music maestros to energetic sports enthusiasts, we offer a unique blend of learning experiences that promise to ignite ideas, foster talents, and empower youth.

Yet, what stands at the core of Unstoppable STEAM is not just the breadth of our offerings. Our mission is rooted in a firm belief in the potential of every child and a commitment to bridging educational disparities in our society.

Why Roselle?
According to the 2022 High School Rankings by US News, Roselle is faced with significant disparities in educational outcomes when compared to its neighboring districts. While Roselle’s graduation rate is commendable, the proficiency rates in math and reading are notably low, with only 4% and 30% respectively.

This stark contrast is an urgent call to action. We believe in equipping Roselle’s students with the skills and preparation they need to excel not just in academics but also in life and STEAM careers.

Our programs, specifically designed to enhance learning through engaging, hands-on experiences, aim to foster academic growth, boost self-confidence, and provide exposure to diverse STEAM career paths. Join us as we ignite this transformative journey in Roselle, turning the tide one student at a time.

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